*Google translation
In our fast and stormy time, people are increasingly beginning to think about what the future holds for us and our children. Which planet will we leave to posterity?
Smoky pipes of factories, endangered animals, polluted ocean - all these are the consequences of rapid economic development and the cult of consumption associated with it. A person strives to have as many things as possible - a new smartphone, laptop, TV, car, often without even thinking about the actual need to own some thing. But the production and operation of each new “toy” directly affects environmental pollution.
It's no secret that the car is one of the main enemies of ecology. Already in the process of creating a car, it causes damage to nature. Let's take only tires for example - about 2-3 kg of natural rubber, 4-5 kg of synthetic resins and components, 4 kg of carbon-containing raw materials are required for the production of one tire. As you know, natural rubber is obtained from plants, which leads to depletion of the natural flora. And tires are just one component in a complex product called a car. For a long time, the amount of materials and energy used to create a modern car has been estimated in millions of units.
And what is the way out of this - you ask. Is it really necessary to abandon the car and, in general, the results of technological progress and “go into the past”?
Of course not. The answer is obvious - it is necessary to use the available material values as efficiently as possible in order to minimize the harm caused to nature.
One example of increasing the efficiency of the exploitation of objects and resources is their sharing, or the so-called sharing (from the English word sharing - to exchange, distribute, distribute). In a simpler and more familiar form, this can be shown by the example of rental, when you borrow an item for a while instead of buying it. Currently, the list of shared facilities is growing rapidly - people even share their apartments and houses during the holidays, thereby receiving double benefits, on the one hand, saving on utility bills, and on the other - reducing travel costs.
The car can be called a pioneer of sharing - it was possible to rent a car a hundred years ago. However, only today this phenomenon is becoming really widespread, when not only cars of companies, but also individuals are offered for joint use.
In fact, how often do you use a personal car? Experts have calculated that, on average, personal transport is idle for three-quarters of the time. Why not use it more productively? For example, you are flying on vacation for two weeks. For this period, you can safely rent your car and it will bring you a small income. Or let's say you are a housewife who uses a car once a week to go to the mall. In this case, you can rent a car to a neighbor who just needs it on working days for a trip to work.
There are many more examples where several people can manage with one car. Such a rational approach to the use of technology would dramatically reduce not only the emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere, but also reduce the amount of waste associated with the production and operation of cars. We are not talking about the fact that, in general, the streets of our cities would become quieter and quieter.
Despite the obvious benefits of car sharing, this phenomenon cannot be called widespread for a number of reasons. People are afraid that an outsider can exploit their “swallow” without due care. In addition, the very process of renting a car scares with its uncertainty and apparent complexity. In fact, everything is quite simple - the whole process will be taken over by specialized companies working specifically with private car owners. They will prepare the necessary documents, pick up the car at the agreed place and return it to you safe and sound within the agreed time frame. The process of renting a car proceeds according to the same algorithms as in any ordinary car rental company. The company's managers carefully check the tenant's data, coordinate travel routes and specify all possible nuances. The company is directly responsible to the owner for the safety of the property entrusted to it, including payment of possible fines for traffic violations or other violations. Thus, the owner of the car is protected in every possible way from possible problems and misunderstandings.
Trust the professionals, follow the course of time and progress.