Tukaj bomo govorili o novostih, zanimivih dogodkih v svetu turizma in avtomobilov. Delili bomo koristne informacije in se pogovarjali o našem poslu.
L‘intervista con Claudio Stromba - il direttore operativo di Rent4U e Angela Paradiso – CEO.
Preberite večThere are several things that a modern person certainly takes with him on the road: documents, bank cards, telephones and ... a first aid kit. The latter is like insurance or an umbrella: you need to take it so that you don’t need it. Unfortunately, this principle does not work sometimes. Insurance does not protect against injuries, an umbrella does not guarantee the absence of rain, and the presence of the necessary set of medicines in a travel first-aid kit does not protect against all diseases. But that is why it is worthwhile to approach this issue with all responsibility.
What you need to consider when forming a travel kit and what medicines to take on the road - a detailed instruction for those who appreciate peace of mind and a thorough approach.
Read the article on the site and go on the road with confidence.
Choose a car on our website, book and hit the road! Safe road and vivid impressions!
And the last thing. We wish you that you do not need any means from the first aid kit!
Preberite večStroški najema avtomobila so eden med najpomembnejših dejavnikov pri izbiri podjetja za najem. Cena najema vozila iste znamke se lahko razlikuje od podjetja do podjetja, včasih je zelo občutljivo. Ali je mogoče, da se cena vozila razlikuje? Zakaj je ceneje najeti avtomobil pri lokalnem majhnem podjetju ali samostojnem podjetniku kot...
Preberite večTukaj bomo govorili o novostih, zanimivih dogodkih v svetu turizma in avtomobilov. Delili bomo koristne informacije in se pogovarjali o našem poslu.